Tuesday, December 1, 2009

This Week's Free, Live, Classes.

This Week's Free, Live, Classes from CreativeTechs

The live classes are free to as many people around the world as we can reach. Join us for this week's upcoming classes. Make sure to check the schedules! Start times for classes in December mix it up a bit. Including our first evening Seattle class for Acrobat:

Tuesday: iPhone Week 1: iPhone Biz Card (3pm Seattle time) http://creativetechs.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=af872ba88a454e16a24cbee2d&id=bb7fdb2b77&e=f5dcfa2edb

Wednesday: Acrobat Week 1: Interactive PDFs! (6:30pm Seattle time) http://creativetechs.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=af872ba88a454e16a24cbee2d&id=9b58cf8aa1&e=f5dcfa2edb

Thursday: Photoshop Fun: Smart Objects! (11am Seattle time) http://creativetechs.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=af872ba88a454e16a24cbee2d&id=3fb48437bd&e=f5dcfa2edb

Thursday: RetouchLIVE (3pm Seattle time) http://creativetechs.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=af872ba88a454e16a24cbee2d&id=df0679ae7b&e=f5dcfa2edb

If you live in the Seattle area, come join us in person! We've got some great classes this December!

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